March 04, 2008

A Fresh BreakDown - Snoop Dogg : Ego Trippin'

Snoop Dogg - Ego Trippin' 

"15 years in the game.. And I'm Still Relevant"

Hell-of-an-accomplishment, and statement that Snoop nailed right on the head there.  It's many rappers that have gone the way of the fall-off, but not Snoop.  Snoop's at a state financially and rep wise where he can simply make music for the love of it, and not hafta worry about sales or somethin' rappers would worry 'bout these days.  And "Ego Trippin' " proves it. 

He definately does some experiementin' in this CD.  We all saw the 1st project with "Sexual Eruption", he has a few other fun-lovin' Rick-James feelin'-good type vibe throughout the CD.  Unlike other rappers who are tryin' to venture out the box, Snoop Dogg seems to still make good music with his projects.  Case proven in the song "Cool" where he jacks a Prince vibe in the song.    I'm not even sure if we can call it a rap song, but it's a hell-of-a-song for people who don't have a one-track mind.   He even goes country with "My Medicine" where he dedicates the record to Johnny Cash, lol.  And you know what, it actually ain't bad, it's another one of those fun tracks.

He still does alil' Crippin' in the CD, stayin' true to the LBC roots, but tastefully, he doesn't flood the CD with blue rags, he basically gives his hood the most shoutouts in "Can't Say Goodbye".  But you can't have a Snoop LP without talkin' 'bout the ... H-Words right?  Well, he has a cool track talkin' 'bout his life with women as a celeberty in "Deez Hollywood Nights." But later in the CD, you can see the Dogg's still on tha leash in "Been Around The World", where he dedicates this song to his wife.  He takes time to talk about his long career in "Never Have 2 Worry."  

Only thing I can take away from this CD, he may have been tryin' to have alil' to much fun.  He coulda did without a few of the club tracks that he has on here.  He's been in it to long to hafta worry 'bout givin' to much to the club.  Not sayin' that some of the club songs aren't good, cuz some of 'em are, I jus say he didn't need as many of 'em.  But hey, that's my opinion.

Album Ratin'  -  4.3 / 5
Worth ya Money ?  -  Yep
Fav Tracks -  Press Play, SD Is Out, Neva Have 2 Worry, Sexual Eruption, Deez Hollywood Nights, Been Around The World, Let It Out, One Chance


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