May 14, 2008

A Fresh BreakDown - The Roots: Rising Down

Sorry it took me so long to get to this yall, cuz it's a good one.  Well, shit.  It's The Roots, you know it was gonna be good.  The Roots are one of the few mainstream acts in Hip Hop that's stayed 100% true to form (along with Scarface, UGK, OutKast, among few others.)  And that's pretty damn good considerin' how times have changed and how long these guys have been in it.  So expect these guys to come with the heat.  Oh, and did I forget to mention ?uest-Love is funky on the drums?

Anyway,  the Roots introduces their music to us with the help of Mos Def and Styles P.  Mos Def once again showin' why he's one of the most under-rated rappers of all time.  All three deliver that heat in a song where they talk about alot of things wrong with the world in a cry out to God himself.  On the song "Criminal" Black Thought even wonders if God is listenin' when he says "I don't even know if God is listnin' or what".  So right off the bat you can tell this album is extremly political and critical of the world we live in today.  And a boost in the song form Saigon ain't bad to hear from either.  And the song "Singing Man" is a must-hear.  And Common lends a hand on "The Show", and if you're wonderin', with this backed-up guest list, did anyone ever outshine Mr. Thought....  No, absolutely not.

For the most part the album has a very very dark sound to it.  Not sayin' that that is a bad thing, cuz it ain't, the beats on here are hittin'.  Therefor the ablum doesn't really stray off track at any point.  But there are a few joints  where they switch it up.  Like in the Chrisett Michele assisted hook, Black's comparin' himself to the weak shit that's on the radio.  The whole mood switches itself on this joint, cuz it's so...  Man fuck, ANYTHING CHRISETT MICHELE IS ON IS A CLASSIC SONG.  Ok.  Had to get that statement outta tha way.  Lol.   I don't even think Shawty-Lo could fuck that song up.  Ahem.  Anyway,  you also get to hear Black Thought spit those bars in "75 bars" showin' his roots to Hip Hop, and in the bonus freestyle at the end of the disc.  He also explains what the hell a real freestyle is.  

All in all, you could play through this whole CD without touchin' it.  Not sayin' it's a classic, but there time in the studio was well spent, and they didn't make any bad songs.

Album Ratin' - 4.5
Worth Buyin' - Indeeeeeed.
Fav Tracks - Rising Down, Criminal, Can't Help It, Singing Man, The Show, Rising Up

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