August 15, 2008

A Fresh Geek Breakdown - Madden 09

Yall like how I found the boy Eli for the 09 cover huh?  Lol.  Anyway.  Everybody knows what Madden is, and reason why it's so hyped every year already.  But, it's up to me to give the true, honest break down.

Alright, soon as you power up the game, you're welcomed by the great John Madden himself.  Sorta refreshin' since he hasn't been in any of the games the past few years.  Anyway, you're about to take what is called the "Madden Test" to get your "Madden IQ."  Sadly, it's many flaws with this IQ system.  For one, you start off with runnin' the ball, which it itself is to easy.  (At least to me it is.)  Then you start the passing drills.  Now this drill is fine until it gets to the upper levels where it's 4 DBs and 1 LB.  And it's bad because you don't know what route your receivers are running.  When most passing plays (if you know football, and are very good) are built on timing.  Run defense is a waste of time, because even if you get to the running back sometimes, he'll still break the tackle.  Pass defense is alil' better, when you're covering the WR, but when the QB ALWAYS starts to pass it where you're not, and your CBs don't cover well, what can you do??  And rushin' the QB is pointless, you won't make it.  And after all this, if you do to well, say for example on the run drill.  And you play a game according to your Madden difficulty level.  It'll be impossible to break a 100 yard game, because it gets ridiculous hard to do anything.

Anyway, on to the better points of this game.  You'll see Madden has a pretty coo' lil' presentation.  Now their were a few "issues" that kept me away from EA football games in the past few years.  The game wasn't realistic in years past on the Next-Gen systems (Xbox 360, PS3.)  I don't care what you punks say, you know there was some shit you couldn't stand about the game.  It's still a few issues about this one that gets on my nerves, but it's not glaring issues.

  1. If you're like how I was in years past, you liked to catch the pass with your WR on your own.  Well, for whatever reason, even if you do your hardest, your receiver just WILL NOT jump for the ball.  If it is a way to get the damn receiver to jump for the ball someone holla at me ASAP.
  2. Also, when you're playin' QB, you can't lob a deep ball, it'll always hang in the air to long.  9 / 10 the DB will catch up to the ball, n you can forget about it if it's a good DB on you.
  3. Its hard to tell if you made a kick or not because of the camera angle
  4. The ball doesn't spiral, WTF!?  
  5. And I am PISSED PISSED PISSED that they took out QB vision, that was one thing they had in the game that was the most realistic.
Anyway, those are the only real game-play issues I have.  But there are some things I love.  I love how you can control your ball carrier now, the juke stick has greatly improved.  And gettin' that second chance after bein' grappled by one person, sometimes it's alil' unrealistic, but for the most part it's what you'd see in the NFL.  And when you're tacklin' now, you're hittin' hard alot, which is alil' unreal, but it's a video game.  But I'm finally glad you can smack a muthafucka that comes up the middle with your saftey.  I've been beggin' for that for YEARS! (Ask Mike.)  Now I'ma lay his punk ass out whenever he gets online to come see me.  Anyway.  The playbook is alil' bland, and could use more plays, but it'll do.  

As far as the modes n stuff, they're pretty much the same.  Only thing really new is Online Leagues.  But I hear they have their kinks too.  I can't make this review to long, cuz a video game is a bit deeper than a CD, so I'ma end it here.

Game Ratin' - 8.0 / 10
Worth Buyin' - I'm sure you have it already

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