August 11, 2008

Instead of that SeaHawk SILLINESS!!!! Some Raider highlights.

It's almost that time.  You know it's time to get ready to root for your favorite NFL team when Madden is about to hit the shelves.  Week one of the pre-season is outta tha way.  Now it's officially the time for fans to talk exaggerated shit to each other because it's no way we can tell who is who yet.  Now, my turn to ruffle some FEATHERS, GO RAIDERS!  HAH! Yea, you damn straight I'm a Raider fan.  F**k all your other teams!  And those birds who stay in the cold who will NOT DO SH*T THIS YEAR!!!   I'm kiddin', they'll be pretty good.  Be prepared for me to do alot of week one analysis this year.  Football is my cup of tea.. Anyway!

Raiders VS 49ers, pre-season week 1..

Well anyway, I can't wait til this season starts, cuz I love how Darren McFadden HITS THE HOLE!  An SEC version of Reggie Bush, meanin' bigger, stronger, may be a tid bit slower.  But unlike Bush.  Mr. McFadden HITS THE HOLE, with no hesitation, and he's fast as hell, can't wait to see 'em break one.  It's still a rebuildin' year for us.

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Andrew J Rivers said...

I don't care what nobody says.

The Raiders are STACKED for a "rebuilding" year.

Ya'll are next up. I'm gonna be a huge fan even though I don't live nowhere near 'em. They look exciting.

freshness601 said...

Drew, you can't be a fan of the Raiders! You're from Seattle, old schoo' rivals! Yall hate us! Lol.

Andrew J Rivers said...

Fuck that. I'm a fan of whoever.

I've got a ranking of all 32 teams. lol.

That way when two random teams play each other. I know who to root for in every situation.

Raiders are gonna be good this year. Ain't no rebuilding. If Jamarcus Russel is any good. Playoffs. Callin it.

freshness601 said...

Noooo, no no no no no no... Not yet. Jamarcus still hasta learn the system. Maybe in two years.