August 24, 2008

Top 10 Signs You're Addicted to Madden

10.) You know you play too much Madden when…..You use the term hitstick while talking to buddies about what is happening in a real game on more then one occasion. In example.. .”Rex Grossman just got hitstuck”

9.) You know you play too much Madden when…..You throw one of your Mother’s red wash cloths on the ground after you challenge a play.

8.) You know you play too much Madden when…..the term “User” carries over to other actions in your daily life. In example….”user channel change”… “user lane change” …”user post” …”user post new thread”.

7.) You know you play too much Madden when…..somebody claims ESPN 2k5 is better then the Madden Franchise, and you walk away from the situation with a aggravated assault charge.

6.) You know you play too much Madden when…..You cause physical harm to your dog for chewing your laminated play-call card.

5.) You know you play too much Madden when…..In real life situations you look to use the “Ask Madden” feature.

4.) You know you play too much Madden when……You wear depends to prevent having to get up to go to the bathroom during a game.

3.) You know you play too much Madden when…..You try to use the playmaker feature while having sex

2.) You know you play too much Madden when…..Your main gripe about the latest Madden is that EA Sports once again left out the addition of Hand Towels.

And the #1 indicator that you play too much madden is…………..

1.) You know you play too much Madden when…..Your girlfriend is in the other room upset that you have passed up on sex, because you have a league game at 7:30.

ANYONE WHO KNOWS MADDEN, KNOWS you NEVER ASK MADDEN Unless you're on the 10 he tells you to punt. lol. And he tells you to run a draw play on 4th & 20.

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