September 01, 2008

NEWSWEEK: Why Some Guys Never Grow Up

Mike and I talk about this on some other level shit about once a week. Our generation is falling behind. They're lazy, they don't want to work hard to get where they want to go and kids are still going out getting drunk off their asses every single night. It's odd to me. To us. I took shitty jobs out of school to get where I needed, but I'm not gonna turn this post into my own personal success story. Maybe this is a message to all of you who fit the description. It's an amazingly interesting article and I'm glad somebody backed it up with research.

Today's guys are perhaps the first downwardly mobile—and endlessly adolescent—generation of men in U.S. history. They're also among the most distraught—men between the ages of 16 and 26 have the highest suicide rate for any group except men above 70—and socially isolated, despite their image as a band of backslapping buddies. According to the General Social Survey, a highly regarded decadeslong University of Chicago project to map changes in American culture, twentysomething guys are bowling alone when compared with the rest of society. They are less likely to read a newspaper, attend church, vote for president or believe that people are basically trustworthy, helpful and fair. Meanwhile, saddled with an average of $20,000 in student debt and reared with a sense of entitlement that stops them from taking any old job, the percentage of 26-year-olds living with their parents has nearly doubled since 1970, from 11 to 20 percent.

and although he doesn't go as far to BLAME it on media portrayals of the "Single Life" a la the MAN Show or Entourage. He does have somewhat of a point. and you should know I'm the first person to say there's very limited brainwash affect from video games or tv shows. So that says a lot.

Read the full article at Newsweek.

In other news, I'm excited to hear Ne-yo's take on "Year of the Gentleman". I love grown up music. *goes and bumps Kingdom Come*


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