WTF MAN. Everything was going good. They were about to announce the decision today... We were about to keep the team probably, or if we lost, we lost in the heat of battle. You don't just fucking GIVE IN! NO! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER! (c)Galaxy Quest
I guess this is what it feels like to have an abortion.
I hate the fact even more that it's on some bullshit. Like, if they tried to build a new stadium or tried to work with us on something besides a brand new ultra spectacular $500 million thing for a playoff team that the new owners PURPOSLY BLEW THE FUCK UP!
When the Bulls stole Pippen from us they didn't get rid of Michael Jordan and Charles Oakley too. It takes more than one person to make a championship team.
MSNBC Sports
The City of Seattle and the Sonics have reached a settlement in their lawsuit, according to a report in The Seattle Times.
According to the report, the team will be allowed to leave for Oklahoma City for a payment of $75 million. The team will not have to pay the entire amount if the city is awarded another NBA team.
A judge was set to rule on Wednesday whether the team could buy its way out of its lease and move to Oklahoma City immediately, or if it had to play out the remaining two years of its lease in Seattle. But Judge Marsha Pechman confirmed Wednesday that a settlement had been reached. She told The Times that she would let the parties involved announced the terms of the settlement.

Well, I hope they take the $75 Million and fix the god damn traffic situation out here. Shit. It's starting to look like L.A. in this bitch. I wouldn't mind if it was 75 every day like this week but it's not. And fix the viaduct before it breaks and falls, and fix the 520 before it breaks and sinks.
Why does the blog-spot have an Okie team as there logo?
We're living in the past.
Hancock was great. He gets a sex change at the end.
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